Thursday, March 30, 2006

Lifes simple pleasures

Traffic in Mexico City can get pretty bad. One of the reasons of this (well, one of many) is that the streets aren´t very well planned, so that for example, there aren't really lanes for making turns and the cars trying to turn will block a whole lane of the street.
I am a pretty patient driver in the sense that I usually let people go by, wait for people to make a turn if they need to, stop for people walking, etc. I guess I get this from my father, since he drives like this as well. But a lot of people in this city are REALLY impatient, and will honk their horn at anything, and get honestly pissed off if you stop, even if it is to let someone pass. So if I am in a certain mood, and I have an impatient person behind me I get a big kick out of being very generous and stopping for everyone and watching through the mirror how the person behind me goes mad. It's so funny, sometimes you can read their lips and every bad word of the spanish language will be comming out. They wave their arms, bang on the steering wheel, pull their hair... and I just have to laugh. I really hope I am never one of those people.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Herb Ritts

Por el momento, y desde hace algún tiempo, mi rama favorita de la fotografía es el retrato. De hecho colecciono retratos de gente famosa (actores, escritores, pintores, científicos, músicos) y resulta que casi todos mis retratos favoritos de artistas norteamericanos son por el mismo forógrafo, Herb Ritts. Esta fue una motivación para buscar un poco más de su trabajo, y debo decir que me gustó mucho.

Parece que a Ritts le gustaban también los desnudos, y tiene bastantes fotos interesantes de figuras humanas. Repito que acabo de conocer a este fotógrafo y sé poco de él, pero me tiene bastante intrigada. Y el hecho adicional de que lo descubrí yo solita (aunque sea muy famoso) hace que el gusto sea mayor.